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Hyprland extensions

Enhance your desktop capabilities with Pyprland


What is Pyprland?

It's a software that extends the functionality of the great Hyprland window manager, adding new features and improving the existing ones.

It also enables a high degree of customization and automation, making it easier to adapt to your workflow.

To understand the potential of Pyprland, you can check the plugins page.

Quick start

This process targets quick testing and not recommended in the long run, use your OS packages if possible.

Refer to the Getting Started page for long term installation instructions.


Before everything, the following installation method can fully be undone this way:

sudo rm -fr /var/cache/pypr /usr/local/bin/pypr ; rm ~/.config/hypr/pyprland.toml

In case you already installed pyprland, ensure it's not conflicting with any existing file on your system before proceeding.


You need to download get-pypr and run it with sh or bash, eg:

curl | sh

You now have the latest release installed.


Copy & Paste the content of the code blocks one after another in the same terminal:

cat <<EOF > ~/.config/hypr/pyprland.toml
plugins = [

# using variables for demonstration purposes (not needed)
term_classed = "kitty --class"

animation = "fromTop"
command = "[term_classed] main-dropterm"
class = "main-dropterm"
size = "75% 60%"
max_size = "1920px 100%"

cat <<EOF >> ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
exec-once = /usr/local/bin/pypr --debug /tmp/pypr.log
bind = \$mainMod, A, exec, pypr toggle term                  # toggles the "term" scratchpad visibility
bind = \$mainMod, B, exec, pypr expose                       # exposes every window temporarily or "jump" to the fucused one
bind = \$mainMod, J, exec, pypr change_workspace -1          # alternative multi-monitor workspace switcher
bind = \$mainMod, K, exec, pypr change_workspace +1          # alternative multi-monitor workspace switcher
bind = \$mainMod, N, exec, pypr toggle_special minimized     # toggle a window from/to the "minimized" special workspace
bind = \$mainMod SHIFT, N, togglespecialworkspace, minimized   # toggle the "minimized" special workspace visibility
bind = \$mainMod SHIFT, O, exec, pypr shift_monitors +1      # swaps workspaces between monitors
bind = \$mainMod SHIFT, Z, exec, pypr zoom ++0.5             # zooms in the focused workspace
bind = \$mainMod, Z, exec, pypr zoom                         # toggle zooming

Congratulations!, you've installed and configured Pyprland.

Check the plugins page to know more about each plugin and how to customize them.