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Virtual env

Even though the best way to get Pyprland installed is to use your operating system package manager, for some usages or users it can be convenient to use a virtual environment.

This is very easy to achieve in a couple of steps:

python -m venv ~/pypr-env
~/pypr-env/bin/pip install pyprland

That's all folks!

The only extra care to take is to use pypr from the virtual environment, eg:

  • adding the environment's "bin" folder to the PATH (using export PATH="$PATH:~/pypr-env/bin/" in your shell configuration file)
  • always using the full path to the pypr command (in hyprland.conf: exec-once = ~/pypr-env/bin/pypr --debug /tmp/pypr.log)

Going bleeding edge!

If you would rather like to use the latest version available (not released yet), then you can clone the git repository and install from it:

cd ~/pypr-env
git clone pyprland-sources
cd pyprland-sources
../bin/pip install -e .


cd ~/pypr-env
git pull -r


If things go wrong, try (eg: after a system upgrade where Python got updated):

python -m venv --upgrade ~/pypr-env
cd  ~/pypr-env
../bin/pip install -e .