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Fine tuning scratchpads

Advanced configuration options


true by default

Makes the scratchpad "sticky" to the monitor, following any workspace change.


No default value.

List of scratchpads to hide when this one is displayed, eg: excludes = ["term", "volume"]. If you want to hide every displayed scratch you can set this to the string "*" instead of a list: excludes = "*".


false by default.

When enabled, will remember the scratchpads which have been closed due to excludes rules, so when the scratchpad is hidden, those previously hidden scratchpads will be shown again.


No default value.

When set to "hide", allow to hide the window when the focus is lost.

Use hysteresis to change the reactivity


Defaults to 0.4 (seconds)

Controls how fast a scratchpad hiding on unfocus will react. Check unfocus option. Set to 0 to disable.


Only relevant when unfocus="hide" is used.


default value is 60.

number of pixels separating the scratchpad from the screen border, depends on the animation set.


It is also possible to set a string to express percentages of the screen (eg: '3%').


No default value.

Same format as size (see above), only used if size is also set.

Limits the size of the window accordingly. To ensure a window will not be too large on a wide screen for instance:

size = "60% 30%"
max_size = "1200px 100%"


default to false.

when set to true, prevents the command from being started when pypr starts, it will be started when the scratchpad is first used instead.

  • Good: saves resources when the scratchpad isn't needed
  • Bad: slows down the first display (app has to launch before showing)


Not set by default. When set to true, will preserve the size and position of the scratchpad when called repeatedly from the same monitor and workspace even though an animation , position or size is used (those will be used for the initial setting only).

Forces the lazy option.


In pixels, default to 0 (client's window size + margin).

Number of pixels for the hide sliding animation (how far the window will go).


  • It is also possible to set a string to express percentages of the client window
  • margin is automatically added to the offset
  • automatic (value not set) is same as "100%"


Defaults to 0.2

Delay (in seconds) after which the hide animation happens, before hiding the scratchpad.

Rule of thumb, if you have an animation with speed "7", as in:

    animation = windowsOut, 1, 7, easeInOut, popin 80%

You can divide the value by two and round to the lowest value, here 3, then divide by 10, leading to hide_delay = 0.3.


Enabled by default, set to false if you don't want the focused state to be restored when a scratchpad is hidden.


If set to some monitor name (eg: "DP-1"), it will always use this monitor to show the scratchpad.


Default value is false

When enabled, use an alternative toggle command logic for multi-screen setups. It applies when the toggle command is triggered and the toggled scratchpad is visible on a screen which is not the focused one.

Instead of moving the scratchpad to the focused screen, it will hide the scratchpad.


Default value is false (can't be enabled when using Hyprland < 0.39 where this behavior can't be controlled and is disabled).

When enabled, you can toggle a scratchpad over a special workspace. It will always use the "normal" workspace otherwise.


Default value is true.

When enabled, the focus will be restored in a best effort way as en attempt to improve the user experience. If you face issues such as spontaneous workspace changes, you can disable this feature.