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Implements a workspace layout where one window is bigger and centered, other windows are tiled as usual in the background.

On toggle, the active window is made floating and centered if the layout wasn't enabled, else reverts the floating status.

With next and prev you can cycle the active window, keeping the same layout type. If the layout_center isn't active and next or prev is used, it will call the "next" and "prev" configuration options.

To allow full override of the focus keys, next2 and prev2 are provided, they do the same actions as "next" and "prev" but allow different fallback commands.

Configuration sample
margin = 60
offset = [0, 30]
next = "movefocus r"
prev = "movefocus l"
next2 = "movefocus d"
prev2 = "movefocus u"

using the following in hyprland.conf:

bind = $mainMod, M, exec, pypr layout_center toggle # toggle the layout
## focus change keys
bind = $mainMod, left, exec, pypr layout_center prev
bind = $mainMod, right, exec, pypr layout_center next
bind = $mainMod, up, exec, pypr layout_center prev2
bind = $mainMod, down, exec, pypr layout_center next2

You can completely ignore next2 and prev2 if you are allowing focus change (when the layout is enabled) in a single direction, eg:

bind = $mainMod, up, movefocus, u
bind = $mainMod, down, movefocus, d


  • layout_center toggle toggles the layout on and off
  • layout_center next switches to the next window (if layout is on) else runs the `next` command
  • layout_center prev switches to the previous window (if layout is on) else runs the `prev` command
  • layout_center next2 switches to the next window (if layout is on) else runs the `next2` command
  • layout_center prev2 switches to the previous window (if layout is on) else runs the `prev2` command


on_new_client (optional)

Defaults to "foreground".

Changes the behavior when a new window opens, possible options are:

  • "foreground" to make the new window the main window
  • "background" to make the new window appear in the background
  • "close" to stop the centered layout when a new window opens

style (optional)

| Requires Hyprland > 0.40.0

Not set by default.

Allow to set a list of styles to the main (centered) window, eg:

style = ["opacity 1", "bordercolor rgb(FFFF00)"]

margin (optional)

default value is 60

margin (in pixels) used when placing the center window, calculated from the border of the screen.

Example to make the main window be 100px far from the monitor's limits:

margin = 100

You can also set a different margin for width and height by using a list:

margin = [10, 60]

offset (optional)

default value is [0, 0]

offset in pixels applied to the main window position

Example shift the main window 20px down:

offset = [0, 20]

next (optional)

not set by default

When the layout_center isn't active and the next command is triggered, defines the hyprland dispatcher command to run.

next2 is a similar option, used by the next2 command, allowing to map "next" to both vertical and horizontal focus change.


next = "movefocus r"

prev and prev2 (optional)

Same as next but for the prev and prev2 commands.

captive_focus (optional)

default value is false

captive_focus = true

Sets the focus on the main window when the focus changes. You may love it or hate it...