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Search folders for images and sets the background image at a regular interval. Images are selected randomly from the full list of images found.

It serves two purposes:

  • adding support for random images to any background setting tool
  • quickly testing different tools with a minimal effort

It allows "zapping" current backgrounds, clearing it to go distraction free and optionally make them different for each screen.


Uses swaybg by default, but can be configured to use any other application.

Minimal example using defaults(requires swaybg)
path = "~/Images/wallpapers/" # path to the folder with background images
More complete, using the custom swww command (not recommended because of its stability)
unique = true # set a different wallpaper for each screen
path = "~/Images/wallpapers/"
interval = 60 # change every hour
extensions = ["jpg", "jpeg"]
recurse = true
## Using swww
command = 'swww img --transition-type any "[file]"'
clear_command = "swww clear"

Note that for applications like swww, you'll need to start a daemon separately (eg: from hyprland.conf).


  • wall next Changes the current background image
  • wall clear Removes the current background image



path to a folder or list of folders that will be searched. Can also be a list, eg:

path = ["~/Images/Portraits/", "~/Images/Landscapes/"]


defaults to 10

How long (in minutes) a background should stay in place


Overrides the default command to set the background image.

variables are replaced with the appropriate values, you must use a "[file]" placeholder for the image path. eg:

swaybg -m fill -i "[file]"


By default clear command kills the command program.

Instead of that, you can provide a command to clear the background. eg:

clear_command = "swaybg clear"


defaults to ["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]

List of valid wallpaper image extensions.


defaults to false

When enabled, will also search sub-directories recursively.


defaults to false

When enabled, will set a different wallpaper for each screen.

If you are not using the default application, ensure you are using "[output]" in the command template.

Example for swaybg: swaybg -o "[output]" -m fill -i "[file]"