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  • zoom [value]
    • If no value is provided, toggles magnification.
    • If an integer is provided, it will set as scaling factor.
    • If this integer is prefixed with "+" or "-", it will update the current scale factor (added in version 2.1.4).
      • Use "++" or "--", to use a more natural non-linear scale (added in version 2.2.9).


The non-linear scale is calculated as powers of two, eg:

  • zoom ++1 → 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x...
  • zoom ++0.7 → 1.6x, 2.6x, 4.3x, 7.0x, 11.3x, 18.4x...
  • zoom ++0.5 → 1.4x, 2x, 2.8x, 4x, 5.7x, 8x, 11.3x, 16x...


Sample hyprland.conf:

bind = $mainMod , Z, exec, pypr zoom ++0.5
bind = $mainMod SHIFT, Z, exec, pypr zoom

factor (optional)

default value is 2

Scaling factor to be used when no value is provided.


pypr zoom  # sets zoom to `factor` (2 by default)
pypr zoom +1  # will set zoom to 3x
pypr zoom  # will set zoom to 1x
pypr zoom 1 # will (also) set zoom to 1x - effectively doing nothing

duration (optional)

Added in version 2.2.9

Default value is 15

Duration in tenths of a second for the zoom animation to last, set to 0 to disable animations.