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Presents some menu to run shortcut commands. Supports nested menus (aka categories / sub-menus).

Added in version 1.9.0

Configuration example

"Open Jira ticket" = 'open-jira-ticket "$(wl-paste)"'
Relayout = "pypr relayout"
"Fetch window" = "pypr fetch_client_menu"
"Hyprland socket" = 'kitty  socat - "UNIX-CONNECT:$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE/.socket2.sock"'
"Hyprland logs" = 'kitty tail -f $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/hypr/$HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE/hyprland.log'

"Serial USB Term" = [
    {name="device", command="ls -1 /dev/ttyUSB*; ls -1 /dev/ttyACM*"},
    {name="speed", options=["115200", "9600", "38400", "115200", "256000", "512000"]},
    "kitty miniterm --raw --eol LF [device] [speed]"

"Color picker" = [
    {name="format", options=["hex", "rgb", "hsv", "hsl", "cmyk"]},
    "sleep 0.2; hyprpicker --format [format] | wl-copy" # sleep to let the menu close before the picker opens


  • menu [name]: shows a list of options which have been configured in "entries".

    If "name" is provided it will show the given sub-menu.

    • On versions >= 1.10.2 you can use "." to reach any level of the configured menus. Example to reach [shortcuts_menu.entries.utils."local commands"]:
       pypr menu "utils.local commands"


All the Menu configuration items are also available.


Defines the menu entries. Supports Variables

"entry 1" = "command to run"
"entry 2" = "command to run"

Submenus can be defined too (there is no depth limit):

[shortcuts_menu.entries."My submenu"]
"entry X" = "command"

foobar = "ls"

Advanced usage (since version 1.10)

Instead of navigating a configured list of menu options and running a pre-defined command, you can collect various variables (either static list of options selected by the user, or generated from a shell command) and then run a command using those variables. Eg:

"Play Video" = [
    {name="video_device", command="ls -1 /dev/video*"},
        options=["mpv", "guvcview"]
    "[player] [video_device]"

"Ssh" = [
    {name="action", options=["htop", "uptime", "sudo halt -p"]},
    {name="host", options=["gamix", "gate", "idp"]},
    "kitty --hold ssh [host] [action]"

You must define a list of objects, containing:

  • name: the variable name
  • then the list of options, must one of:
    • options for a static list of options
    • command to get the list of options from a shell command's output


Since 2.0.2 you can apply post-filters to the command output, eg:

{name="entry", command="cliphist list", filter="s/\t.*//"},

check the filters page for more details

The last item of the list must be a string which is the command to run. Variables can be used enclosed in [].

command_start & command_end / submenu_start & submenu_end

Added in 1.10.2

Allow adding some text (eg: icon) before / after a menu entry.

command_* is for final commands, while submenu_* is for entries leading to another menu.

By default submenu_end is set to a right arrow sign, while other attributes are not set.

skip_single (optional)

Added in version 2.0

Defaults to true. When disabled, shows the menu even for single options


Multiple menus

To manage multiple distinct menus, always use a name when using the pypr menu <name> command.

Example of a multi-menu configuration:

[shortcuts_menu.entries."Basic commands"]
"entry X" = "command"
"entry Y" = "command2"

## ...

You can then show the first menu using pypr menu "Basic commands"